Welcome to the Outsmart Series: Don'ts and Dos of Personality Disorders

borderline high conflict relationships jenni mcbride mcnamara mental health narcissism narcissist narcissistic abuse narcissistic personality disorder npd relationships toxic relationships Jan 12, 2022

Well, hello there. Welcome to my Outsmart Series about the Don'ts and Dos of Personality Disorders! For this series, you'll learn about 6 high conflict personality disorders: Narcissistic, Borderline, Paranoid, Histrionic, Obsessive-Compulsive, and Antisocial. You'll also get one thing to never do and one thing to almost-always do for each personality disorder type.

These little tips will surely change how you interact with the problematic people in your life and make things just a little bit easier for you. First up: Narcissistic Personality Disorder!